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Price List

cybermark ref price sheet 2019.png


Sketch..................................... 15$


While simple and quick it is an important part to create

structure to whatever is being drawn. In this phase I plan

out how the overall drawing will look.


I recommend this if you just want to plan out how a drawing would look or plan out an environment/thing/character's overall design.





Line Art ..............................................27$


"Outlines" or "Inks"  of the drawings. These are the out lining's of the drawing that goes on top of the sketch, this is always done after the sketch, when it is done the sketch is hidden or erased (depends on the media), giving the final product a clean and polished look.


This is a good pack if you want something done quick but with a nice, simple  finish.





Flat Colors.....................................................38$


This comes after the "Line Art". Here is where life is breathed into the picture, adding color and a more finished look.


It comes with optional cell shading.


I recommend this pack if you are looking for a character sheet reference for a 3D model or if you just like my cell shading style.





Full Work.......................................................50$


This is the whole package, I work out everything, from the sketching

up to the shading and small details like color degradation, saturation,

lights, shadows, focus, line art coloring , etc...


I actually recommend this pack if you are looking for a single picture

of your.... thing.... looking fabulous.





Digital Painting..............................65$


This is like the "Full work" pack, but I skip all the steps (besides sketching) to give it a more realistic look since I paint directly on the sketch and work out shading, colors and else in a single step.


I recommend this pack if you are looking for some sort of Splash Art or a more "realistic" feeling to the drawing, also if you might be wanting to have some proof of concept before starting a big production or for promotional purposes.





Complex Background.................+10-60$


This is for a more complex background, like and alien abduction happening in the background or a city with skyscrapers/mountains/forest etc...


(Left picture is just representative and not a final product)




low res.jpg
Olly & Cori v2 inks weighted
oberon wolfhead wip.PNG
MArk Crash Comission Tennis finished low
All  commissions are sent via mail if so you wish.  If you want I can give you Thumbnail
size pictures for posting in galleries at no extra charge.
All of this packs include an optional simple background at no extra fee.
This prices are meant for a FULL BODY character and prices might vary if you want a bust
there would be a 25% discount and if you just want a head shot it would be 40% discount
from the prices above. This only applies to the character or main object.

Usual timelines go for 1 to 7 days depending on the request.

If anything happens during this time or I take longer than expected due to personal issues please understand we are all human. I might even refund fully or partially if anything DOES happen.

Questions about how this system works? Feel free to ask through here.

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